

Altiplano: High plateau of the Andes at an altitude of about 4000 m.a.s.l. reaching from southern Peru over Bolivia to northern Chile
Arequipa: Provincial capital in the South Peruvian Andes. Second most important town of the country
asado: BBQ
Araucanía: The province of Chile in which Pucón is located
Ceviche: Kind of salad of marinated, raw fish or seafood
Cevicheria: Restaurant specialized in Ceviche
Chicha: maize beer
Chiriuchu: Typical plate served for Corpus Christi in Cusco
Chuño: Dehydrated potatoes
Combi: Minibuses, public transport in Arequipa
Cayma: District of Arequipa
Inca: a.) Precolumbian people in the Peruvian Andes, b.) The leader of the Inca nation
Machu Picchu: Quechua for "old mountain", a.) a mountain in the Cusco area, b.) the village close to the ruins of the same name, c.) the archaeological excavation of the ancient Inca settlement
Malbec: Red Wine, typical for Argentina
Mapuche: Native people of southern Chile
Nuevo Sol: Currency of Peru, S/. 1 = 0,33 €
Pablo Neruda: Chilean poet and winner of the Nobel Prize
Pisco: Destillate of grapes, Peruvian and Chilean national drink
Plaza de Armas: Generally the name of the main square of Latin american towns
Quechua: Spanish term for the language of the Incas
Santiago (de Chile): capital of Chile
Sillar: white, volcanic rock of which the old town of Arequipa is mainly constructed
Temuco: capital of the Araucanía
Valparaiso: Port town and UNESCO World Heritage Site
Yanahuara: District of Arequipa

Saturday 22 January 2011

Festive Season

I am back again after all these weeks of apparently endless celebrations. Although it had not even been celebrations that fierce this year. Christmas we spent in the house with the kids, having a lovely game stew I had cooked for the whole family. After everybody got his presents (which takes some time with so many kids) Inès soon fell asleep because she had worked a lot these days preparing for all the special menus they had served on the holidays. I followed her a little later also still tired from all the activities with Bernd the weeks before. So before midnight we had been sleeping already. On New Years Eve it was me who did not resist that long because I had got a bad cold just the day before. I went to an asado in a friends house and to watch the big fireworks at midnight I went to the restaurant where Inès was working. All the kids had been there as well and we drank sparkling wine and a few drinks but at 2 o'clock I already had to give up and we went home. For my birthday I felt better and killed the last germs inside my body quite succesfully with lots of alcohol. At least on that day I just had to party. I had been the last one for some time. The following week we had real summer with temperatures above 30 degrees C but unfortunately no tourists in town. At least those who had been here did not do rafting. The following week it rained constantly and temperature dropped almost 20 degrees. Tourists decided to do rafting now despite the bad weather conditions but unfortunately I had got a bad influenza that forced me to stay in bed with fever of more than 38 degrees for four days.
For some reasons once more Chilean people turned out to be totally irresponsible and not trustworthy which gets on my nerves and apart from that costed me some money as well which I do not really have at the moment. So right now I am quite depressed and frustrated and do not really know how to go on after the season.
Well at least I am finally totally healthy again, summer came back and as it seems people are willing to do outdoor activities as well. So I hope for some busy weeks to come that I will not find time to annoy myself to much and earn some money as well.
Hopefully my next comments will be a little more positive than this one......

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5.3.11

    Servus Wolli!

    Wann bist du wieder in deiner Heimat oder wirst du in Chile sesshaft?

    Freut mich, dass es dir anscheinend gut geht und du glücklich bist.

    Vielleicht sehen wir uns eines Tages wieder.

    Ich wünsch dir weiterhin alles Gute.

    Gruss aus München,

