

Altiplano: High plateau of the Andes at an altitude of about 4000 m.a.s.l. reaching from southern Peru over Bolivia to northern Chile
Arequipa: Provincial capital in the South Peruvian Andes. Second most important town of the country
asado: BBQ
Araucanía: The province of Chile in which Pucón is located
Ceviche: Kind of salad of marinated, raw fish or seafood
Cevicheria: Restaurant specialized in Ceviche
Chicha: maize beer
Chiriuchu: Typical plate served for Corpus Christi in Cusco
Chuño: Dehydrated potatoes
Combi: Minibuses, public transport in Arequipa
Cayma: District of Arequipa
Inca: a.) Precolumbian people in the Peruvian Andes, b.) The leader of the Inca nation
Machu Picchu: Quechua for "old mountain", a.) a mountain in the Cusco area, b.) the village close to the ruins of the same name, c.) the archaeological excavation of the ancient Inca settlement
Malbec: Red Wine, typical for Argentina
Mapuche: Native people of southern Chile
Nuevo Sol: Currency of Peru, S/. 1 = 0,33 €
Pablo Neruda: Chilean poet and winner of the Nobel Prize
Pisco: Destillate of grapes, Peruvian and Chilean national drink
Plaza de Armas: Generally the name of the main square of Latin american towns
Quechua: Spanish term for the language of the Incas
Santiago (de Chile): capital of Chile
Sillar: white, volcanic rock of which the old town of Arequipa is mainly constructed
Temuco: capital of the Araucanía
Valparaiso: Port town and UNESCO World Heritage Site
Yanahuara: District of Arequipa

Monday 7 March 2011

High Season

Being happy at work
Right in time to help to cure my January depression there opened up a German restaurant in the center of Pucón called 'Biergarten' (Beer garden). It is run by a very nice German couple and because Elke, the owner, is working in the kitchen herself, you can get real authentic German food over there like 'Schnitzel', 'Leberkaese', 'faschierte Leibchen' or 'Bratwuerstl'. Because they of course have very good beer as well and Uli, Elkes husband, is an enthusiastic motorcyclist it became something like my second living room and I washed down my frustration there with some nice draft 'Weizen' more than once.
Fortunately February had been much better than January and I had to work a lot which saved me from drinking too much beers at 'Biergarten'. That for I drank them at lots of asados with colleagues like someone uses to do it here during the summer. So I finally earned some money, had fun on the river, a lot of sun and no time to be annoyed with troublesome Chileans. Apart high season has to offer numerous events in Pucón. Apart from the asados there took place various concerts, the annual triathlon, a rodeo, numerous exhibitions and so on. Inés and I had been to the life performance of Chile's most famous theatre group who has a weekly sitcom. They had a cooperation with Inés' restaurant so we got free tickets. It was a typical funny and easily understandable slapstick comedy about relationship problems so even I could laugh a lot.
So February passed by quite fast and amusing and meanwhile high season already had come to an end a few days ago. Now Inés, who had been working heavily as well these weeks, and I will go on a small holiday for about a week to relax from all the tourist crazyness. We will go north from Pucón but to know whereto exactly you will have to have a look in here again because so far we do not exactly know it ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9.3.11

    Have a good holiday trip, anyway! hugs, S+K
